
Physics Lab

The school has a dedicated physics Lab with the, latest equipment for the students to perform the experiments.

Biology Lab

The Biology Lab is an interesting place for all the students to visit because it takes a step nearer to their own lives.

Chemistry Lab

The Chemistry lab is well equipped with all the Modern apparatus and chemical. The students are guided by teachers and Lab assistant to complete their projects and experiments.

Maths Lab

Maths Lab is a colorful Lab to facilitate and engage the students in a variety of hands on learning experiences. The students and teachers have put together models and gadgets in labs.

Computer Lab

Computer Lab has 20 latest Computers and internet access. The school computer is fully wi-fi.


Games and sports are an integral part of a student’s life. The students should study hard to be a successful in competitive examinations.

Heritage offer various games and sports. We have facilities for playing indoor games like chess, Ludo, Carrom Board etc & Outdoor game like Cricket, football and basketball, bad minton, kabaddi, Karate etc along with track and field events.


Heritage is equipped with a cometeried library system. The books are issued and returned through card system.

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